Message from the Pastor:
Keynote Speaker:
Rev. Ralph Sexton, Asheville, NC, will be our main preacher for this year’s statewide fellowship. Bro. Sexton has literally blessed thousands with his ministry, not just in North Carolina, but around the world. He has pastored the Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville for 45 years and Trinity is one of the great churches in America. God has gifted him with the abilities to take current events and prophecies of the Bible, merging them in an old-fashioned preaching style that blesses over and over those that hear his messages. He is truly God’s man for the hour. He will preach Monday and Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM.
The music for the meeting will be provided by the Corinth Baptist Choir and Singers. Bro. Keith Gooden is the Director and as the late Lawrence Welk used to say, “It will be the best music this side of heaven.” It is worth attending just to hear this choir.